Saturday, 5 June 2021

"Live Audio's of Chennai Annual International Convention-2021"



"Live Audio's of Chennai Annual International Convention-2021"

To download use the following link:

Part : 1

 Part: 2

"Live Audios of Bangalore Convention - 2021"



"Live Audios of Bangalore Convention - 2021"
Dear all, I am hereby posting the Messages of Bangalore Convention - 2021, hear the word of GOD and be blessed. Praise the LORD.
 To download use the following Link:


Friday, 4 June 2021

Live - International Annual Chennai Convention 2016


"Live Audio's of Chennai Annual International Convention-2016"

To download use the following link:

Part : 1

 Part: 2

"End of First half of Tribulation period"


"End of First half of Tribulation period"

by Elder, Br. Teju 
To download use the following link:

"Vijayawada Center Convention - 2016 - Live


"Vijayawada Center Convention" 

'2016' - Live

Live Audios   Click to Download

"A Book which is sweet in the mouth and bitter in Belly"


"A Book which is sweet in the mouth and bitter in Belly"

Part : 2
Bible study by Elder Br. Teju 
To download use the following link:

"I was among the captives, and I saw the heavens opened and seen visions"


"I was among the captives, and I saw the heavens opened and seen visions"

Audio sermon by our beloved Pastor, Pas. Manoharan

 To download use the following link:

Key Verse : Ezekiel 1:1
(English - Telugu)

Thursday, 13 May 2021

"Seven Aspects of Renewing Our Vision"


"Seven Aspects of Renewing Our Vision"

Audio sermon by Pas. Wilson Joseph

It is one of wonderful sermons on renewing our vision, firstly the vision of Calvary was being discussed. Through the vision of cross, we can empty ourselves so that GOD imparts his divine knowledge to us. Vision of Calvary also builds the character of CHRIST in us. Secondly, vision of JESUS, the author and finisher of our life.................................

To download use the following link:

"Considering trustworthy, HE Appointed me to do HIS ministry"


"Considering trustworthy, HE Appointed me to do HIS ministry"

Audio sermon by Pas. Wilson Joseph
I Timothy 1 : 12

To download use the following link:

"Blowing the Trumpet"


"Blowing the Trumpet"

Audio sermon by Pas. Wilson Joseph

The spirit of LORD came upon, Gideon, and he blew trumpet. We are called to blow the trumpet, which is preaching the gospel. Here trumpet is blown because of getting ready for battle, our life is a battle, and we need to fight it. 1Tim 1:18, war a good warfare.........................
To download use the following link:

"Facts about Old Garment - New Garment, Old Bottle - New Bottle, Old Wine - New Wine "


"Facts about Old Garment - New Garment, Old Bottle - New Bottle, Old Wine - New Wine "

 by Pas. Wilson Joseph 
The sermon's key verse is Luke 5:36-37

To download use the following link:

"Trading it all for the Kingdom of GOD"


"Trading it all for the Kingdom of GOD"

by Pas. Wesley Peter 
The sermon's key verse is : Mat 13:44

To download use the following link:

"Let not your hearts be troubled"


"Let not your hearts be troubled"

by Pas. Jeyam
To download use the following link:

"Even Today, I will render double unto You"


"Even Today, I will render double unto You"

By Pas. Stephen

 To download use the following link:

(English - Malayalam)

"Call unto ME, will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you had not known"


"Call unto ME, will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you had not known"

Audio sermon by Pas. Sam

 To download use the following link:

(English - Telugu)

"Grace that will be brought to you, at the revelation of JESUS CHRIST "


" Grace that will be brought to you, at the revelation of JESUS CHRIST "

By Pas. Sampath Kumar

 To download use the following link:

Key Verse : 1 Peter 1:13
(English - Telugu)

"Live Audios of Dhariwal (Punjab) Conventions" 2009 - 2015


"Live Audios of Dhariwal (Punjab) Conventions"
2009 - 2015
Dear all, I am hereby posting the live songs, Testimonies and Messages of Dhariwal Conventions from 2009 to 2015
Hear and be blessed.  Praise the LORD.

 To download use the following link:

Monday, 3 May 2021

Bible Study : "Throne of Grace"


"Throne of Grace"

Bible Study by our beloved Pastor, Pas. Sampath Kumar
Sermons Key verse : Heb 4:16
To download click the following link:

This Bible study contains four wonderful sermons, and it unveils the method of approaching the throne of Grace. Hear and be blessed. Praise the LORD.

"The greatest need of the hour - A clear mind"


"The greatest need of the hour - A clear mind"

 Audio sermon by Pas. T. U. Thomas

To download use the following link:

"Audio Sermon of Pas. Manoharan" During Mumbai Convention 2003 & 2006


"Audio Sermon of Pas. Manoharan"
During Mumbai Convention 2003 & 2006

Different audio sermons of our beloved Pastor, Pas. Manoharan, this post contains five different messges, delivered at different conventions. Hear and be blessed.

To download use the following link:

Saturday, 1 May 2021

"Ten Experiences through which we can glorify GOD"


"Ten Experiences through which we can glorify GOD"

Audio sermon by our beloved Pastor, Pas. Wesley Peter
John 17:4
GOD has created man for HIS glory, and Adam was created. And GOD expected that in everything, Adam was supposed to glorify, but he failed to do that. The first Adam could not glorify GOD, so JESUS CHRIST, has come as the second Adam, and in everything whatever HE has done, HE glorified GOD. When we glorify GOD, when JESUS comes, we will be glorified and will be lifted unto heaven.

  1. First of all of by offering Praises unto GOD, 
  2. We should glorify by our body and Spirit, by doing the will of GOD.
  3. By living in unity and oneness, we can glorify GOD.
  4. By doing good works, we can glorify GOD.
  5. Whether we eat or drink, we should do it for the glory of GOD.
  6. By receiving healing from the LORD, we can glorify GOD.
  7. When GOD supplies our needs, we should glorify GOD.
  8. Through a life of suffering we can glorify GOD
  9. By bearing much fruit, we can glorify GOD
  10. In our death, we can glorify GOD.
......Wonderful Sermon. Praise the LORD.

Download using the following link:

Thursday, 29 April 2021

" How can we be delivered from evil fears "


" How can we be delivered from evil fears "

Audio sermon byPas. T. U. Thomas

 To download use the following link:

Key Verse : 1 Peter 1:13
(English - Telugu)

When we forgive others, we are delivered from negative fears. Fear and forgiveness goes together. Psa 130:4, there is forgiveness with THEE.... If you cannot forgive, the demon will hunt you. .......... When we forget to ask forgiveness, fear caught then. Five aspects for getting forgiveness was being mentioned.......

"If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men near unto ME"



"If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men near unto ME"

Audio sermon by Pas. K. K. George

(English - Hindi)
We come to the presence of GOD with hunger and thirst towards the word of GOD, and the anointing of HOLY GHOST and fellowship of saints. GOD gives us a beautiful fellowship with the servants of GOD. When we hear word of GOD and when we commit to live according to it, GOD draws such people towards HIM. GOD's wonderful wish is to draw every person nearer to HIM, the life of JESUS CHRIST lived on this earth for 33 1/2 years which may be broken to three parts, birth to 12 years, 13 to 30 years is phase two, and third is from 30 to 33 1/2 and the last phase HE drawn every sinner to GOD and got lifted up....... Wonderful sermon.

 To download use the following link: