Friday, 4 March 2022

"Israel, GOD's Peculiar Treasure", Audio sermon by our beloved Chief Pastor, Pas. Wilson Joseph


" The three aspects of glory imparted to the Chrildren of Israel, to be GOD's Peculiar Treasure"

Audio sermon by our beloved Chief Pastor, Pas. Wilson Joseph
Sermons Key verse : Psalm 135:4

To download use the following link:

Summary of the sermon:  The sermon points to Jacob to the old testament saints of GOD, and Israel to the new testament saints, LORD chosen Jacob unto HIMSELF, and Israel HIS peculiar treasure. Whether it is physical body and spiritually belongs to GOD, so we should do everything which is acceptable to GOD, important thing is we should become the peculiear treasure. For that firstly, HE delivers us from Egypt, Exod 19:4, made them to cross red sea, and in Mt. Sinai, the glory of GOD descended, It is a type of SPIRIT anointing, there HE had given them the ministry, seperated Levites, and ordained them for ministry.
Egypt is our sinful past, and brought us out of it, and HE made us to cross the red sea, means taking the right baptism, and filled with HOLY SPIRIT at Mt. Sinai, all these things are done so that we become HIS peculiar treasure, as HE had got a great plan regarding this. Treasure is a very important thing, as a person will not throw it here and there, but he will preserve it very carefully and safely. GOD has called us to become treasure and HE kept us in a precious place, which is 'GRAVEN IN THE PALMS OF JESUS' we are held by the right hand of GOD, we are not ordinary people. 
What does palm speak about, 'the plan  of GOD'. According to that plan GOD will guide you, for every aspect of life, and the work you are doing, concerning every aspect of our life, GOD has a purpose and a plan bless and multiply us. Right hand of GOD shows the guidance, how GOD guided them to Sinia, it is by bearing the young ones upon its wings. GOD is more concerned about us, more than we ourselves, because we are HIS peculiar treasure, so we need not be afraid for anything. Before we become a peculiar treasure, we should be GOD's own people. Psalm 100:3, We are HIS people, and sheep of pasteurs, it is GOD who created us in CHRIST JESUS unto good works. Spiritually HE has recreated in CHRIST JESUS, as a new creation, all things had become new, so we belong to HIM, and HIS own people. We are the sheep of HIS pastures, means we should feed on pastures, which LORD gives us, they will remain in the fence and will not go to the pastures outside the fence. Jer 3:15, Pasteurs are given by the children of GOD, the truths and doctrines of HIS own, because of which we will be strengthened and we become people of HIS own. Isa 43:7, GOD created us for HIS glory, and we are being called by the name of the LORD, name speaks about the truth of FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT, when this name is kept, it is during the time of water Baptism. 
1Pet 1:14, obedient children, some are obedient, and disobedient children in one family under the name of tri-une GOD, how they become disobedient, that is through fashioning in the former lust. We should be obedient, and do what LORD, is telling us to do, disobeying children will not become, children of GOD. Eph 5:1, we read about dear children, first is obedient children and second is dear children, the difference is, Obedient children are those who obey, and dear children are those who know the mind of GOD, and do what is good in HIS sight. Our LORD JESUS, came as a obedient child of GOD, and finally became the dear SON, because JESUS says in John 8:29, 'THE FATHER HAS LEFT ME ALONE BECAUSE I DO ALL THINGS WHICH PLEASE FATHER'. We must become dear children, by which we become GOD's own people. 
When the name of GOD is upon us, the protection of GOD is with us, PSalm 40:11, GOD's loving kindness and truth will preserve us continually, we should never disobey the truth of GOD, and JESUS says, 'I had kept them in THY name', speaks about the truth of GOD, and preserve our life in it. PSa 61:7, truth of GOD will preserve us, so we should be careful with the truth delivered to us, previously we were careless, but now we must be careful. In order to become a peculiar people, JESUS paid a price, Tit 2:14, 'HE redeemed us from all iniquity which is our self will, Mat 7:', not doing GOD's will is called is iniquity, and they cannot enter the kingdom of GOD, because in HIS kingdom, the will of GOD, will be done. If we do GOD's will on earth, we cannot do it in heaven, so JESUS came to deliver us from all iniquity, and came to redeem us from our self will. When JESUS was betrayed, 30 peices of silver, which is the our own will, which should be given back to JESUS. 30 peices speaks about how JESUS has done the perfect will of GOD, for which HE has to die on calvary, and take away our self will, so let us completely surrender our will to GOD, even in the smallest and minutest thing, which will make us the people of GOD. 
Num 6:27, they should put my name upon Israel, Aaron and his sons, who has been given authority, this shows about the ministry and ministers of GOD, who can put the name to GOD's people, through ministry all the blessings are imparted to us. The main theme of ministry is Col 1:28, through the ministry, we are being made perfect in CHRIST JESUS, ultimate blessing is to make children of GOD, perfect.
Isa 46:13, tells us about righteousness and salvation, and glory to Israel. GOD calls us for HIS glory, HE has put the glory into us, which is not an ordinary blessing, how did this come into us that is through the baptism of HOLY SPIRIT. 1Cor 1:7, everyman is the glory of GOD, 2Cor 8:23, servants of GOD are the glory of CHRIST, we are the glory of GOD and we have to reveal the glory of GOD. John 17:22, JESUS said, the glory given to us all is one as we are one, which is to unite all of us one, all believers and workers as one, for that HE had filled us with HIS glory. We should know the purpose of getting united with GOD and saints. GOD has created us for HIS glory, Isa 43:7, we must reveal the glory of GOD. 

Three different aspects of 'Glory of GOD'

1) The character of GOD should shine through us Mat 13:43, like a sun we should shine, in the kingdom of FATHER throughout in eternity, every character of GOD is glory. 

2) Exod 15:11, Character of GOD is glorious in holiness. Prov 19:11, passover the transgression is the glory of GOD. Heb 1:3, our GOD JESUS who is the brightness of GOD's glory and the express image of HIS person, and upholdin all things by the word of HIS power, when HE had by HIMSELF purged our sins, sat down on the righ hand of the MAJESTY GOD ON HIGH. So, we should be transformed to the image of JESUS who is the brightness of GOD's glory by the transformation power of the HOLY SPIRIT GOD, so when our character changes to the likeness of character of JESUS, who is the brighness of GOD's glory, we will shine in this world and in the entire eternity to come, by being GOD'S peculiear treasure and dear ones of our LORD our GOD JESUS CHRIST, by the leading and filling the HOLY SPIRIT GOD. 
We see this in the life of Stephen, Acts 6:15, his face shone like the face of an angel, while dying also Acts 7:60, he forgave those who are stoning him, the character of Forgiving, and the character of Hoiness is in him. Wisdom reveals the glory of GOD Eph 3:10, the manifold wisdom of GOD must be manifested to the angels by the Church of GOD, 
what is this wisdom? 

  • i) Changing the sinner to saints.
  • ii) Saints to into a perfect saint

Angels are amazed how this wisdom is revealed, Stephen is also full of such wisdom, Acts 6:10, People could not resist the wisdom and the spirit with which St. Stephen spoke. Through that wisdom we can change our life, we can reveal the glory of GOD, show others about the greatness of our GOD.

3) Power of GOD, that works in us, Exod 15:6, GOD is glorious in power, we received HIS glory through truth or gospel, when gospel comes into us a great power comes into us. 2Cor4:6-7, says that we have the treasure in earthen vessels, it is the glory of knowledge of GOD, which comes to us through gospel which we are hearing day and night, when that gospel comes into us, it becomes treasure and shines in us. 
Gospel = Word of GOD + Power of GOD
Some says how can you live according to it, when you receive thepower of GOD we can live the glorious life, when we dont have the power of GOD, we cannot live the glorious life, so in each and every holy person the power of GOD, is manifested through the HOLY SPIRIT and HIS anointing, every one should recieve the HOLY SPIRIT and experience the power of GOD, working in our lives. When this glory works in us, it sanctifies us Exod 29:43, the tabernacle will be sanctified by GOD's glory. Day by day HE sanctifies us, the more we fill in spirt, we become purer and purer, and be ready for our bride grom, HE transforms us. 2Cor 3:18, we are changed from glory to glory, when the HOLY SPIRIT works, our earthly character is changed to glorious character. In this manner when we surrender, glory of GOD, surrounds our body, and this is incorruptible glory. Phil 3:21, tells us reason why we should be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, is to convert the earthen vessel into a glorious vessel, we are broug to the HOLY WATERS, we should drink, the more we drink the GOD works, the more we drink the more the glory GOD imparts and transforms. If we die before the coming of LORD, if we hope, we will be transformed by the same power. Rom6:4-5, JESUS is raised from dead to the glory of FATHER, that glory will ressurect us, so we may be found ready for our ressurection or transformation. Without the HOLY SPIRIT, we cannot be ready for HIS coming, so tarrying is necessary, where the power of GOD transforms, so we should not miss the tarry meetings. Psalm 74:2, GOD calls HIS people as HIS own inheritance, Psa 33:12, The people who are chosen as HIS own inheritance, there are so many nations, you and I are chosen for becoming HIS inheritance, we are inheritance of our JESUS, our FATHER GOD, our SPIRIT GOD, and the triune GOD. 
When we are claimed to GOD's inheritance we should be free from bondage. But when we look at GOD's people, sometimes they are delivered into hands of enemy, Psal 78:61, speaks about the old testament people, though GOD has brought them to promised land, though the land is given as inheritance, they had not pleased GOD, and disobeyed the statutes and commandments, they went on grieving GOD, finally GOD delivered them into hands of enemy. If  we are the inheritance of GOD, we should preserve that status of inheritance, we should not have strange gods in our lives, we should not grieve GOD. But it is not the will of GOD, that we should be surrendered to enemies, we are sure GOD will deliver and preserve us, for which we should obey to voice of GOD, HE is coming to take away HIS inheritance.
How GOD confirms HIS inheritance?
Psalm 68:9, When they are weary, weak, and about to lose their hope, GOD delivers them, by sending a rain HE confirms HIS inheritance, that is by sending the plentyful rain of HOLY SPIRIT, rain of doctrine, GOD strengthens HIS people. Though there are many trails and oppositions, HE is sending HIS rain the truth abundantly, when we receive it, all our tiredness and weakness will be removed, we can press forward boldly. We see, GOD delivered HIS strength and glory are delivered into captivity, which is literally seen as ark of GOD, Isam 4:3 , brough the ark of Covenant into battle field, when they were losing, but the ark could not save them, and it was carried away. Psa 78: The ark speaks about the people of GOD, who are HIS strenght and power, PSa 132:8, Arise O LORD, thou and ark of THY strength into rest, means GOD and ark should rest in  a resting place, which is Zion and Jerusalem. Who are resting in those two people, GOD and HIS saints, GOD and HIS people. So, ark is a type of GOD's people we are the strength of GOD, GOD's people are GOD's strength, we can renew it in GOD's presence day by day. Who gives strength and power to HIS people, Psa 68:35, HE gives HIS strength and power to HIS people? 

Nine different experiences of Strength in GOD

1) Prov 18:10, Name of GOD, which is strong tower, which is strength for us, we should hold to it always to name of GOD.
2) Rev 2:11, Blood of JESUS, overcome enemy by it, everyday we can claim the power in it
3) Psa 119:28, Strenthens by the Word GOD which has the power.
4) Mica 3:8, Strengthens by the SPIRIT of GOD, we should not lose that power
5) 2Tim 2:1, Grace is HIS power, be strong in the grace of JESUS CHRIST, we must not lose the grace of GOD.
6) Rom 4:20, Faith in GOD is power, and strength. When we go from faith to faith, we go from strength to strength.
7) Neh 8:10. Joy of the LORD is strength, when we rejoice in GOD we get HIS strength.
8) Num 23:9, 21, We must live a seperated life which gives us strength. They shall dwell alone, there is a shout of Joy of King is with them. Even Bilam tried to curse them, it was turned to blessing because they are living seperated life, Deut 25: 1-3. When they lost the life of speration, they lost the joy, strenght and power, so we should preserve our seperated life. We should not allow any alien thing comes into our life, and be seperated for HIM, to make HIS strength.
9) Deut 32:9, GOD's people are HIS portion, this means there is selection even in the inheritance, among the tribe of Israel, Psal 78:67-68, The tribe of Judah, and the mount Zion of which HE loved. GOD has not chosen the tribe of Ephraim, or tribe of Joseph, but chosen Judah. Song of Sol 6:8-9, my dove my undefiled is but one, among three score queens, two score concubines, virgins without number speaks about different group of saints, out of which a group called dove are selected, they are the man child, the overcoming church, they are the bride of CHRIST, who are the portion of GOD, who wants to be HIS own, who wants to be special. Finally, to make us treasure.  Exod 19:5, You be peculiear treasure unto me, over the earth, for that you should obey the voice of GOD and keep HIS commandments. Through blood shed on Calvary JESUS made a covenant, so preserve it, and obey to it, we will become a peculiar treasure unto GOD.

This sermon made me to run out of my words, very deep insights are given, which are far beyond our imagination and thinking. As Isa 52:7, says, 'How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!'. I thank and praise GOD for giving such wonderful saints of GOD who manifested HIS power, glory, character and united us with our JESUS, to be a peculiar treasure unto GOD. One of the very best sermons, I heard. Hear and be blessed. Praise the LORD. 

Monday, 28 February 2022

"Messages of our beloved Pastors"

                                                                          PRAISE GOD

"Messages of our beloved Pastors"

To download use the following link:

Part : 1

"Live Audio's of Chennai Annual International Convention-2016"

                                                                         PRAISE GOD

"Live Audio's of Chennai Annual International Convention-2016"

To download use the following link:

Part : 1

 Part: 2

Sunday, 27 February 2022

"Secrets of Successful life", Bible Study

                                                                               PRAISE GOD

"Secrets of Successful life"

Bible Study

To download use the following link:

"Soft Copies of Sunday School Syllabus"


"Soft Copies of Sunday School Syllabus"

Dear All, I am hereby posting the soft copies of Sunday School Syllabus, from Class-I to Class XI. 
To download use the following link:

Friday, 25 February 2022

"Get Wisdom" Message during Canadian Convention 2006

                                                                              PRAISE GOD

"Get Wisdom"

Message during Canadian Convention 4th June 2006

To download use the following link:

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

"International Youth Meeting MessagesBy beloved Pas. Manoharan, from 2003 to 2010

                                                                             PRAISE GOD

"International Youth Meeting Messages"

By beloved Pas.  Manoharan, from 2003 to 2010

To download use the following link:

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

"Psalms 23" Bible Study by our beloved Chief Pastors Pas. T. U Thomas, Pas. Wilson Joseph and Pas. Wesley Peter

                                                                             PRAISE GOD

"Psalm 23"

Bible Study by our beloved Chief Pastors Pas. T. U Thomas, Pas. Wilson Joseph and Pas. Wesley Peter


To download use the following link:

Saturday, 19 February 2022

"Many are called but few are chosen", Bible Study by Pas. Sampath

                                                                            PRAISE GOD

"Many are called but few are chosen"

A sermon by Pas. Sampath


To download use the following link:

Thursday, 17 February 2022

"Word of GOD and HIS Power", Bible Study by Pas. Manoharan

                                                                           PRAISE GOD

"Word of GOD and HIS Power"

Bible Study by Pas. Manoharan


Day Wise Topics:

Day 1 : Message of the Cross and Salvation and power in it 1 Cor 1 : 18
Day 2 : Secret of Victorious life, Strength and Health in the Word of GOD and its Power
Day 3 : Abundant life in the word of GOD and its Power
Day 4 : The glorious life, rapture and eternal kingdom of GOD in scriptures and its power
To download use the following link:

Sunday, 13 February 2022

"Virtues necessary for faith" A Study from Elisha

                                                                           PRAISE GOD 

"Virtues necessary for faith"

A Study from Elisha

To download use the following link:


Saturday, 12 February 2022

"Best Bible Songs for Kids"

                                                                          PRAISE GOD

"Best Bible Songs for Kids"

Dearly Beloved, we now introduce to you the Telugu - Songs of Service, comprising of 431 songs. The hymns are available from Hymn No: 1 to Hymn No. 431. Kindly use the following link to download the songs. 

Download using the following link:

Hymns Vol. 1   Click to Download
Hymns Vol. 2 :   Click to Download
Hymns Vol. 3 :   Click to Download

Friday, 11 February 2022

"Let everything that has breath, Praise the LORD" Telugu Sangeetha Seva - '1 - 431'

                                                                         PRAISE GOD

"Let everything that has breath, Praise the LORD"

Telugu Sangeetha Seva - '1 - 431

Dearly Beloved, we now introduce to you the Telugu - Songs of Service, comprising of 431 songs. The hymns are available from Hymn No: 1 to Hymn No. 431. Kindly use the following link to download the songs. 

Download using the following link:

Hymns Vol. 1   Click to Download
Hymns Vol. 2 :   Click to Download
Hymns Vol. 3 :   Click to Download
Hymns Vol. 4 :   Click to Download

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

"Sitting at the feet of JESUS",Songs

                                                                           PRAISE GOD

"Sitting at the feet of JESUS"

To download use the following link:

Monday, 7 February 2022

"Who are the Righteous, What are the Qualifications, how to Identify them" Sermon by Chief Pas. M.T. Thomas at Vijayawada Convention 2022

                                                                          PRAISE GOD

"Who are the Righteous, What are the Qualifications, how to Identify them"

Sermon by Chief Pas. M.T. Thomas at 
Vijayawada Convention 2022

To download use the following link:

"Live Audio's of Vijayawada Convention-2022"



"Live Audio's of Vijayawada Convention-2022"

To download use the following link:

Thursday, 3 February 2022

"Enduring Temptation for Crown of Life", Pas. Wesley Peter


"Enduring Temptation for Crown of Life"

Dear All, I am hereby posting the Audio Sermon - "Enduring Temptation for Crown of Life", by our beloved Chief Pastor, Pas. Wesley Peter.  The sermon's key verse is James 1: 12, there is none who were exempted from temptation, everyone of us had undergone through it, because a glory and a crown is kept for all of them, who endure temptation and overcome it by the grace of GOD. Our beloved Saint of GOD revealed many things about temptations, trials and mercy and grace of GOD to overcome them for a crown is explained clearly. Hear and be blessed.

To download use the following link:

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

"Audio Sermons of Pas. P.M. Thomas"

                                                                          PRAISE GOD

"Audio Sermons of Pas. P.M. Thomas"

Different audio sermons of our beloved Pastor, Pas. P.M. Thomas,  delivered at different conventions and Bible Studies. Hear and be blessed.

To download use the following link:

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

"Worship of GOD" A Bible Study


"Worship of GOD"

A Bible Study
Sermons Key verse : Gen 4:26
1. What is Worship?
2. Who should worship whom?
3. What about various kinds of worships of the world?
4. What is that worship that what GOD wants.
5. What are the hinderances to true worship.
6. Those who worshipped GOD in scriptures
7. What are the benefits we enjoy when we worship GOD
To download use the following link:


Monday, 31 January 2022

"Truths of Kingdom of GOD", A Bible Study


" Truths of Kingdom of GOD"

A Bible Study
Sermons Key verse : Romans 13:11

To download use the following link:
