Monday, 31 January 2022

"Truths of Kingdom of GOD", A Bible Study


" Truths of Kingdom of GOD"

A Bible Study
Sermons Key verse : Romans 13:11

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"The Judgement of GOD and Science", Bible Study by Bro. Thomas

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"The Judgement of GOD and Science"

Bible Study by Bro. Thomas

To download use the following link:

Sunday, 30 January 2022

"The Heavenly Life" - Bible Study Pas. Wilson Joseph


"The Heavenly Life"

Bible Study by Pas. Wilson Joseph
Sermons Key verse: 2 Cor 12:2-4

To download use the following link:

"10 Different Bible Study Sermons of Pas. Manoharan"

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"Ten Bible Study Sermons of Pas. Manoharan"

Different audio sermons of our beloved Pastor, Pas. Manoharan,  delivered at different conventions and Bible Studies. Hear and be blessed.

To download use the following link:

"How to live in Peaceful dwellings, Secured Homes and In Undisturbed Places of Rest"


"How to live in Peaceful dwellings, Secured Homes and In Undisturbed Places of Rest"

Audio sermon by Pas. Wilson Joseph
Sermons Key verse: Isa 32 : 18
To download use the following link:

Summary of the sermon: "My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in the secured homes, and in undisturbed peace". Three main promises GOD is giving here, these were never experienced by the Israelites, they never experienced them, they will get these during the millennial reign, but for us, it is appointed that we should experience these all while we are living, enjoy them, thereby we can live with GOD. 1) They dwell in peace 2) They dwell in secured places 3) They live in undisturbed places of rest.

1) Dwelling in Peace: Heaven is a place filled with peace, if we don't live that peaceful life now, we will not live peacefully in heaven. The sign which indicates that we don't have peace is the situation of temptations and troubles. 
What is the peace which comes from world and that of JESUS? 
The peace coming from world is called 'sometime peace', but the peace which JESUS gives is called 'all time peace', even Apostle Paul tells about it in 2Thes 3:16, he speaks about 'peace of all times and peace of all means' and how can we get this peace, that can be had is by having the peace of GOD with us. The peace of the world is short lived and if situations changes peace will be lost. But, the peace which comes from GOD, is independent of situation, or state, or circumstances. JESUS came and died to 1) give that peace, 2) HE made peace for us 3) HE preached about peace. When we look at Zion and Jerusalem, they are filled with peace, Isa 52:7, the work of Zion is to publish peace, we cannot publish peace, unless we have peace within us we cannot preach the gospel of GOD. Psalm 122:7, Peace within the walls of Jerusalem, If you want to have peace, we should be found in the walls of Jerusalem (New Testament Church), the peace comes and dwells within us, for which GOD has given the HOLY SPIRIT anointing, by which we are united with the Church, and come into walls of Jerusalem, as it is said in Zech 2:5, GOD will be like Fire of wall round us, so for the person who abides in the fellowship of saints, GOD will be like a wall of fire around him. Isa 26:1, Walls of salvation, they speak about the doctrines of truth. And Isa 26:2, only the righteous nation, will enter into these walls, in the New Testament period, those who embrace such truths only can enter into these walls, these walls of salvation, will preserve the peace, if we discard these truths mean we are not found in it. If we look at a higher level of such peace, it shows how we stand with GOD, for which we should stand in perfect peace with GOD. We are seen in unity among ourselves, and in eternity, we should be united with GOD, and this is called "Reconciliation Ministry" 2Cor 5:18,19. 
St. Paul says, JESUS has given us the ministry of reconciliation, and committed unto us the word of reconciliation, and it is given to the ambassadors of CHRIST, who can do that. GOD is separating people for this cause, who are able to do such ministry of reconciliation throughout the world. Those who do the ministry of reconciliation, 1) start it with having peace, 2) it draws us closer to JESUS, 3) It brings us to the very presence of the FATHER 4) It brings to a place where we are having the same mind of JESUS, those who are in the New Jerusalem and Zion, they should have same mind and counsel of GOD. GOD dwells in new Jerusalem and Zion, if GOD dwells with people so close, the people who are present there have to have the same mindset. Heaven is not a place to take rest, as some people do think, but heaven is a place which is full of activity, we have to do what GOD wants us to do. There, GOD is not giving command to do this or that, GOD will think that this work must be done, immediately people know it and will perform it, if we are to do in this manner, we should have same mindset, so Zion and Jerusalem are the places, where we can see people who are having similar mindset of GOD, so to bring people to such state, a separate ministry is needed. Eph 1:10, so all these saints who do the 'Reconciliation ministry' and all the believers who hear them, gather to Zion and New Jerusalem, so let us yield ourselves to New testament Church and Reconciling ministers. 

2) People who live in secure and sure dwelling (Steadfast dwellings)
Heb 12 : 28, GOD has called us for a kingdom which is not moved. Zion and New Jerusalem is that kingdom, because the cornerstone is JESUS who is there. Isa 28:16, In Zion it is a tried stone, its a sure foundation, those who trust will not fear, and we should get united with that stone, along with that cornerstone, we see the Apostles and Prophets foundation, Eph 2:19-20. 
How can we be united with the Apostles and Prophets?
This can be had by listening to the truths which are given to them. 
Mat 7:25, gives the obstructions which we get when we are being built?

While the building is built, there are three fold trails, namely:
1) Rain 2) Floods 3) Winds will blow against you.

a) Rain: What can this rain be compared to: It speaks about Righteous Judgments which come from GOD. Isa 28:17, hail will come as rain to those who depend on their own strength. So, those will invite the judgement of GOD, which happened in the time of Noah, because of Iniquities floods came. When we reject the word of GOD, the same word will come and judge us. Speaking regarding Pharasis and sedducites, if any man fall on this stone will be broken, and if the stone falls on anyone, it will grind him, so we have to see which one we are choosing. In the scriptures it is written, the voice of GOD will shake everything, so the things which are steadfast will remain and those which are not steadfast will perish. GOD is going to judge us with the word spoken.
b) Floods: (Song Sol 8:9) floods come against Love of GOD in our heart, which are things which overcome us and attract us. When we yield ourselves to those things we are not steadfast in the love of GOD, so we should keep the love of GOD burning in our hearts, fire of GOD should burn in us, as it burns none of the floods can overcome us, and we can overcome any flood which come against us. St. Paul says, nothing can separate us from the love of GOD, which makes us more than a conqueror. 
c) Winds: Which will try to shake our faith. They speak about evil powers, Dan 7:2,3 four types of winds, it may be evil powers which come against our faith, but we have to steadfastly stand against those evil powered winds. Mat 14:24, the disciples are rowing the boat and wind raise against them, it was difficult to go ahead, and at that instant, JESUS appeared, and at that moment, the winds are made calm. You may be shaken by these winds, you might have lost the vision and the closeness of face of JESUS, and running after many things and human aids, and all things failed you, now JESUS is standing next to you, you just open eyes and see JESUS who is standing next to you, invite HIM to your boat, If HE come, there will be perfect calm and peace. Nothing can create problem to you, nor shake you, nor trouble you, nor go off-balance, if JESUS is there, HE can control the wind and forces against you, HIS promise is the same, as HE said, See I am with you until the end of the world. Take out the promises of GOD, and you will see a great peace, you will not be troubled anymore, even this moment JESUS is strengthening  and making you steadfast, and make ready for Zion and Jerusalem, keep trusting GOD.

3) People who dwell in quiet resting places: Zion and New Jerusalem are those places.
Isa 33:20, Jerusalem is quiet habitation, PSalm 132:13,14 - Zion, which is the rest of GOD for ever, as HE desired it as HIS resting place, so we also dwell with our JESUS, thats why GOD is giving HIS rest. GOD gives various experiences, so that we enjoy the rest, so we should experience them and preserve this rest. 
How do we get rest in our hearts? - It is through the Righteousness of GOD.
When GOD gives HIS righteousness, when GOD's Righteousness comes into us, we have perfect peace. We dont have our own righteousness. 
Righteousness means 'accepted by GOD', or 'made worthy to be with GOD', that is through our LORD JESUS, HE gives HIS righteousness, HE clothes us with HIS rigteousness, HE puts Righteousness into our hearts, thats why we have rest in our Soul.Isa 57:2, Righteous sleep on their beds, means there is no trouble with them. 
What is the sign of righteousness, it is boldness. Righteous people are bold like a lion. The heaven is full with righteousness, millenium is filled with righteousness. That same righteousness we received through our JESUS. 
How to grow in that righteousness - Jer 6:16, we should look for old ways and good ways.
Old ways - The way that JESUS went, the path the saints has shown
Good way - The way that comes to the truth of GOD
When we have these experiences, we find rest to our soul, we will enjoy the righteousness of GOD, we can hide in it.

What are the experiences, which gives us rest?
a) Heb 4: 6, it is our experiences through faith. Unbelief takes rest from us, as much as we fight against sin, we fight against unbelief, Num 14 chapter we see,  200,000 soldiers who had seen miracles and wonders GOD had done for them, but GOD said, these people will not enter into land of rest, they are not ordinary people, they had seen the glory and miracles of GOD, they had not entered because of their disbelief, and they looked at their own self, and own strength. They looked at enemy and looked at their own strength, and said they cannot overcome the enemy and cannot enjoy the land. But Caleb, and Joshua, had seen GOD and not seen the men, and said if GOD is there with them, they can capture the land very swiftly. If we see our GOD, we can see the new faith, and we can get rest.
b) Experiences through sufferings, by which we can enjoy the rest of GOD. 1Pet 4:1-2, GOD takes certain suffering so that we can leave sin and enjoy the rest, so we had to yield to the suffering which are given through will of GOD. We enjoy the rest, through glory and presence of GOD. Isa 11:10, GOD's rest is glorious. Exod-33:14, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest, let us preserve the presence and glory of GOD, then surely the rest of GOD follow us. 

c) Through the Experience of getting filled by the love of GOD, we will get that rest, GOD puts HIS throne in our hearts and HE will reign in it, and rest in our lives. Zeph 3:17, GOD will reign on throne of love, which is peak of love of GOD, which is HIS throne. When we are filled with the peak of GOD, we get perfect rest. 

d) Through the experience of sanctification, When we sanctify ourself lives, and make us pure, then the rest of GOD comes into us.
Exod 31:30, GOD tells HIS people to keep HIS Sabbath, that we may know that HE is the GOD who sanctifies us, as we sanctifies our life, they enjoy the rest of GOD, which comes into us.       Isa 58:13, we see Sabbath is called the holy day of the LORD. Job 11:18, I will dig experiences and get the rest of GOD. Digging means observing our lives and sanctifying. 

e) Experience of increase in hope; Psalm 16:9, When the hope increases in our lives, we get peace, the hope of meeting our JESUS, that hope of transformation like JESUS, the hope of getting resurrected when JESUS comes, the hope of inheriting the eternal inheritance. So we have to increase in the hope of GOD, so that we can enjoy rest in GOD.

My people in Peaceful dwellings, secured homes, and undisturbed places of Rest.
A wonderful sermon, with deeper truths and hidden treasures in the word of GOD, Hear and be blessed. Praise the LORD.

Some of Audios of beloved Pastor T. U. Thomas

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An apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of GOD

Some of Audios of beloved Pastor T. U. Thomas

To download use the following link:

An apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of GOD - Audios of beloved Pastor Wesley Peter


An apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of GOD

Audios of beloved Pastor Wesley Peter

To download use the following link:

Audios of Funeral Service of our beloved Chief Pastor Wesley Peter


Precious in the sight of the LORD, is the death of HIS saints.

Audios of Funeral Service of beloved Pastor Wesley Peter

To download use the following link:

Saturday, 29 January 2022

100 Audio sermons of our beloved Pastor, "Pas. Wilson Joseph"


"Pas. Wilson Joseph Sermons"

I am blessed to share the audio sermons of our beloved Chief Pas. Wilson Joseph, the collection of about 100 Messages are being shared in two links. Please download using links below:

Part 1: To download use the following link:

Part 2: To download use the following link:

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Monday, 3 January 2022

"Spirit of GOD is upon me, to preach the Gospel, and deliver the captives from Sin"


"Spirit of GOD is upon me, to preach the Gospel, and deliver the captives from Sin"

by Pas. Manoharan
(English - Hindi)
Sermons Key verse : Isa 61:1-3


To download use the following link:

Summary of the sermon: Through you are a worst sinner, Gospel gives a hope for you, and heal the broken hearted. Pastor narrated a fact about a time where, the name will be spoiled and will be given a wrong report, and remembered about such a state in his life. Those who have beauty for ashes, there are stages in our life, Ezek 47, tells about different levels of experience of getting filled in the spirit, we we are laid on alter, we will be burnt, when we come to the zenith of spiritual life, we will lose our everything, even our identity..........wonderful sermon, Hear and be blessed.

"International Youth Convention - 2017" - 'Heavenly Call'


"International Youth Convention - 2017"

'Heavenly Call'
Live Audios
Hear and be blessed. Praise the LORD.

To download use the following link: